first mom and katie sang happy barkday to me, like this: " happy barkday to you (repeat), happy barkday sweet coco, you're my baby boo!" then my girl katie had a shiny little gift bag that i got to tear into! and nobody tried to take it away!!!
...seems like just yesterday mom took this picture of us together when i was still a baby. now she's all grown up and moving out. mom and i are kinda bummed. but she promises we can have slumber pawties and stuff!
and if that wasn't enough, my boy jake is moving to sha-kawgo this month, too. he's going up there to college, whatever that is.
i don't know why my pack has to be breaking up and scattered about like this. it's very confusing to my little furry brain. jake's apartment complex doesn't allow doggins - even to visit. i think we pissed them off cos i was with mom when we applied for the dumb place. mom says she's gonna sneak me in anyway whenever she feels like it. (she's rebellious like me) it's sure gonna be weird without them around.